Internet of Algae:
A Human-algae, algae-algae communication network

The "Internet of Algae" envisions a world where algae, regarded as intelligent beings, can communicate with each other and with humans. This network utilizes IoT, AI, machine learning, and large language models to create a sophisticated interaction system between humans and algae.

  • How does Internet of Algae work?

IoT-enabled sensors and actuators within algae bioreactors will continuously monitor environmental parameters such as light, temperature, pH, and nutrient levels, transmitting real-time data to a central AI-powered platform. Our AI algorithms will analyze the vast amounts of data collected to identify patterns and optimize algae growth conditions. Machine learning models will predict ideal cultivation settings, enabling dynamic adjustments to maximize productivity and resource efficiency. Additionally, we aim to create a network where different algae systems can communicate through a centralized server. This network will facilitate the exchange of critical information between various algae cultures, allowing them to respond to changes and adapt collectively. AI will play a crucial role in managing and interpreting these communications, ensuring the network operates seamlessly.

  • What is the role of AI in our projects?

AI accelerates the data analysis process, allowing for real-time adjustments and rapid responses to environmental changes. Through continuous learning from big data, AI improves the accuracy of predictions and optimizations. This precision cultivates algae under optimal conditions, leading to higher yields and better resource utilization. By analyzing data from multiple sources and learning about algae behavior and needs, AI can develop sophisticated models that predict future trends and adapt strategies accordingly. This capability fosters a deeper understanding of algae ecosystems, driving innovation in cultivation practices. 

A preliminary sketch mapping out the possibilities connecting IoT frameworks with cloud networks, biomonitoring and AI analytics, forming a codependent Internet of Algae system.